
Water Quality of SC Beaches Ranked Worst on Atlantic

This week the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) published a report that ranked our nation’s 30 ocean front states in order of best to worst in water quality.  What type of water quality you ask?  The quality of our beaches to be exact.  The study used information such as the number of beach closings and advisories to rank each state.

Unfortunately, South Carolina was ranked as number 19 out of the 30 states.  It’s safe to say that we’re in the middle of the pack; however, when it comes to the states on the East Coast… we came up dead last.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has cited that stormwater runoff is one of the biggest culprits contributing to a decrease in our nation’s water quality.  South Carolina has experienced a flux of development over the past few years, and with it, more and more of our coastal regions have been paved over and covered by impervious surfaces.  Every time it rains the oils, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. get carried away into our waterways.  The end result: poor water quality=closed beaches=unhealthy communities=BAD STUFF!

This ranking should not offend anyone in this great state.  At the very least, it should encourage you.  You should be encouraged to take action TODAY to see that our waterways are protected.  Become a member of Charleston Waterkeeper today and help us fight for our rights to clean water.

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