

We caught up with, David Hance!

HP: Why do you choose to support Charleston Waterkeeper?

DH: I choose to support Charleston Waterkeeper because I spend a lot of time on the water and the activities I enjoy depend on healthy clean water. With more people moving to the Lowcountry every day, it’s more important than ever to protect the environment we love. The team at Charleston Waterkeeper are incredible advocates for our marshes and waterways.

HP: What is your favorite way to enjoy clean water?

DH: Spending time on the boat with family and friends. My favorite way to enjoy clean water is fly fishing for redfish, we have an awesome fishery year round. 

HP: What is your favorite waterway in Charleston?

DH: Hard to chose only one but I’ll default to the Wando River because that’s where I grew up spending time on the water.

HP: Tell us about what you have been working on or a recent project

DH: Through working at the Orvis store, we try to educate and inform the community on how to get involved locally. The Giveback Days program that Orvis runs twice a year is a great way to do this. This month we’re partnered with Charleston Waterkeeper to raise funds and awareness to help continue the fight for healthy clean water in the Lowcountry.

HP: Tell us something interesting about yourself that we might not know

DH: I lived in Colorado for 6 years after finishing school where I really fell in love with fly fishing. Getting the opportunity to discover the outdoors in a totally different environment was amazing. It gave me a new perspective on the importance of protecting the outdoor spaces and waterways that we love.

David Hance, Store Manager, Orvis Charleston

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