We caught up with, Gustavo “Gussy Whoa” Serrano!
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HP: Why do you choose to support Charleston Waterkeeper?
GS: I believe in clean waterways that we can all enjoy, also being an avid Angler I want the best for our fishery.
HP: What is your favorite way to enjoy clean water?
GS: Going fishing for sure, but also taking friends out on the boat and enjoy all that Charleston has to offer on the water.
HP: What is your favorite waterway in Charleston?
GS: Sandy Point (Kiawah), Folly River and the Stono River.
HP: Tell us about what you have been working on or a recent project
GS: We most recently were able to work with CWK on their Revel on the River shirts and helping other local non-profits with custom apparel.
HP: Tell us something interesting about yourself that we might not know
GS: If you can’t find me, check the dance floor or a great restaurant! 😊
Gustavo “Gussy Whoa” Serrano