
Local problems, local solutions!

Dear Friends,

I’m writing to share some bad news: the anti-home rule plastic pollution bill is back. The bill, pushed by plastic industry lobbyists at the South Carolina General Assembly, proposes to bar our local cities and towns from taking action to combat plastic pollution at the source.

It’s an affront to South Carolina’s long tradition of home rule. It’s not right. And, we’re going to do something about it.

I believe our local communities are in the best position, very capable, and well equipped to deal with the plastic pollution problem in our local waterways. The City of Isle of Palms and the City of Folly Beach have proven it through strong leadership on this issue. We don’t need interference from plastic lobbyists.

That’s why I’m Columbia today supporting City of Folly Beach Mayor Tim Goodwin and standing up for our local communities and your harbor, rivers, and tidal creeks. I need your help too!

Please contact your state Representative today and ask them to oppose H.3529 (the anti-home rule bill): CharlestonWaterkeeper.org/plastic-pollution. It only takes a few minutes to make a big impact for cleaner, healthier waterways.

Local problems demand local solutions. Together we’ll make that happen. Thank you for your support!


Andrew J. Wunderley
Your Charleston Waterkeeper

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