

Lowcountry Giving Day 2016

Today is Lowcountry Giving Day 2016 — a day to unite your community by supporting the work of your favorite local nonprofit organizations. Stand for your favorite local waterway by making a donation today: (or text “cleanwater” to 33923). Great news: a very generous donor agreed to match your Lowcountry Giving...
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Water Quality Updates

Every Wednesday, from May through October, we test bacteria levels at 15 hotspots for water-based recreational activity. That way, you know when and where it’s safe to swim, paddle, kayak, and sail. Sign up today to receive weekly water quality updates in your inbox so you have easy access to all...
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What’s up with Shem Creek?

Our testing work reveals that Shem Creek does not meet its water quality standard for safe swimming. Hear your Waterkeeper explain why and learn what we’re doing about it in “Sullied Shem Creek not safe to swim; state challenged to force clean up” from the Post and Courier’s Bo Peterson. Stand...
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Tidal Creek Health

Stand up for your favorite local waterways during Lowcountry Giving Day. Make a donation at: Here in the Lowcountry, the salt marsh is often the first sign of the changing seasons. As the water and air warm during Spring, last year’s gray-brown Spartina gives way to a flush of new growth...
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You are donating to : Charleston Waterkeeper

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