

Saloon Session with Will Vesely

Saloon Session with Will Vesely Will is involved with Charleston Waterkeeper in many different ways, from outreach to lab work. He first learned about our work while doing research in Dr. Vulava’s lab at the College of Charleston. He then got involved with the College of Charleston Waterkeeper Club, eventually taking...
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Why I Give

Charleston Waterkeeper is supported by a diverse group of volunteers and members connected by a common thread: a personal connection to Charleston’s local waterways coupled with a strong sense of community service. Their stories are engaging and inspire us every day at Charleston Waterkeeper. Join our community of supporters and...
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2015 By the Numbers

Our first annual “Charleston Waterkeeper: 2015 By the Numbers” report shows just how we’ve protected and restored your right to clean, healthy waterways this past year. Help us accomplish even more in 2016. Become a member today to make sure your tidal creeks, rivers, and harbor have a champion. Download...
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Saloon Session with Lane Kennedy

Lane Kennedy joined the Waterkeeper team as an intern in the Spring of 2015. She is currently studying at the College of Charleston, with a focus in the natural sciences. Lane is involved in many different aspects of Charleston Waterkeeper, each of which she approaches with a combined sense of insight...
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SCMEA 2015: Watershed Moments

On October 23, 2015, Charleston Waterkeeper’s Staff Scientist travelled to Greenville, SC, to attend the 2015 South Carolina Marine Educators Association (SCMEA)’s Annual Conference. SCMEA is a non-profit organization that aims to improve and expand marine education in South Carolina. SCMEA holds an annual conference intended to keep members up-to-date...
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