

Environmental Response Committee Meeting

On February 19, Charleston Waterkeeper attended an Environmental Response Committee Meeting at the United States Coast Guard Base, Sector Charleston.  The meeting brought together environmental responders and other stakeholders from around South Carolina and bordering states. Charleston Waterkeeper was one of the only non-profit organizations represented at the meeting.  Moran...
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Home Bound Hound

After showing off our new patrol to the other Waterkeeper’s around the world, John Lipscomb, boat captain for Riverkeeper, sent me these pictures displaying an almost identical aluminum skiff used by their organization on the Hudson River.  Taken in 2007 after a river cleanup, John’s dog, Buster, proudly watches over...
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$55 Million in Pollution Fines

Since 1991 South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has dished out nearly $55 million worth of fines to businesses and individuals violating state environmental and pollution laws.  The Post and Courier has recently compiled all 6,100 of these violations in an online database.  The new database, brought...
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Proposed Coal-Fired Plant Receives Opposition

Over the past week, Santee Cooper’s proposed coal-burning power plant has generated a large amount of public opposition.  On the day before the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) approved an air quality permit needed to build the $1.25 billion electric generation station, Governor Mark Sanford publicly opposed the...
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