

2008 Charleston Green Fair

The first annual Charleston Green Fair was held this weekend in Marion Square. With over 75 exhibitors ranging from sustainable food vendors to green building companies this free all-day event had something for everybody. The event promoted local businesses, local restaurants, local organizations, and local music (all “green” of course!)....
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2008 Beach Sweep at Folly Beach

Every year the Ocean Conservancy holds its “International Coastal Cleanup,” encouraging us all to spend a day to clean up our coastlines. On September 20, 2008 the SC Sea Grant Consortium and the SC Department of Natural Resources sponsored the 20th annual Beach Sweep/River Sweep in South Carolina. Last year...
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Charleston Waterkeeper Approved!

Last week the Waterkeeper Alliance Board of Directors approved Charleston Waterkeeper as the newest member of the Waterkeeper Family. Two other programs, the Choptank Riverkeeper in Maryland and the Loreto Baykeeper in Baja California Sur, Mexico were also approved. These new members bring the Waterkeeper Alliance total to 182 programs...
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