

Are We Running Out of Water?

I’ve come across two great articles detailing the problems we are facing in today’s ever-changing (and growing) world as water’s demand and in turn, its waste, is increasing rapidly. Both articles reveal an urgency to give attention to the issues surrounding our water supplies and how we use this delicate...
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Site Visit Completed

Dean Naujoks, former Upper Neuse Riverkeeper, has just completed the site visit for the proposed Charleston Waterkeeper program. After 7 years as the Upper Neuse Riverkeeper (in Raleigh, NC), Dean has taken a position as the Waterkeeper Alliance’s southeastern representative. The site visit is an essential part of the application...
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Executive Summary for the Proposed Charleston Waterkeeper

Charleston Waterkeeper (Proposed member of Waterkeeper Alliance) “Measurably improving the quality of Charleston’s waterways through hands-on community involvement, scientific monitoring, and legal action” Take PRIDE, Take RESPONSIBILITY, Take ACTION History of Waterkeeper Alliance: In the 1960s amid mass fish killings throughout New York’s Hudson River, a number of commercial fishermen...
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