
Over 4,000 Pieces of Trash Collected!!

This past weekend, Charleston Waterkeeper and Starbucks Coffee joined forces to cleanup Folly Beach.  Nearly 150 volunteers showed up to pick up trash along the “Edge of America.”  Participants showed up in full force despite the threat of rain, tornadoes and hail. Thankfully the “bad” weather held off until later that afternoon.

Travis DeFreest, Lee Trent and Claire Hart show off 2 of their 6 bags collected during the Charleston Waterkeeper/Starbucks Coffee beach cleanup. To view more pictures click the photo above.

Over a 3 hour period, volunteers collected well over 4,000 pieces of trash.  All participants were encouraged to keep track of the trash they collected by tallying all items found.  Items found ranged from the worst culprit, cigarettes, to the strangest item, a Barbie leg.  The below chart represents the top 11 items collected.  With the help of volunteers, we were able to separate 265 cans and bottles, from the collected trash, that were eventually dropped off to be recycled.

150 Volunteers gathered to cleanup Folly Beach this weekend.  Over 4,000 pieces of trash were collected and properly disposed of.

150 Volunteers gathered to cleanup Folly Beach this weekend. Over 4,000 pieces of trash were collected and properly disposed of.

Click here to view an entire list of collected items

Charleston Waterkeeper would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday to help with the cleanup.  Cosima Franke and Caxton Beaty did an excellent job checking everyone in at the registration table!  The day was a huge success and an incredibly fun event.  Starbucks Coffee not only provided essential fuel to all participants (coffee, water and snacks), but they also brought an army of volunteers, partners, friends and family.

It is our goal to create an environment, community and movement where cleanups become a regular and habitual occurrence.  The maintnance of our waterways requires our full-time commitment and attention.  Stay tuned as we are planning several cleanups for the near future.  Remember, “TAKE PRIDE.  TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.  TAKE ACTION.”

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