

We caught up with our GPS and boat guru, Mike Weisskopf!

HP: Why do you choose to support Charleston Waterkeeper?

MW: As I retired, I wanted to volunteer to give back to the community and I saw volunteering for Charleston Waterkeeper as a great way to contribute to work to improve water quality in the lowcountry area.

HP: What is your favorite way to enjoy clean water?

MW: I enjoy shrimping in Bulls Bay. Because Bulls Bay is part of Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, the water is pristine and when conditions are right the shrimp at plentiful.

HP: What is your favorite waterway in Charleston?

MW: Stono River area at sunset.

HP: Tell us about what you have been working on or a recent project

MW: My most recent fun project was helping Andrew install a Garmin GPS unit on the new Charleston Waterkeeper boat.

HP: Tell us something interesting about yourself that we might not know

MW: After graduating from The Citadel, I spent 23 years in the Navy sailing ships around the world and then building ships and the systems that go on them.

Mike Weisskopf

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