We caught up with the Communications guru, Lauren Greenwood!
HP: Why do you choose to support Charleston Waterkeeper?
LG: I love CWK because we are a team that works hard to protect our local ecosystems and fights for clean water now and for future generations! CWK does a great job of bringing people together to take care of the places we love and keep the public informed, and giving them the tools to make a difference!
HP: What is your favorite way to enjoy clean water?
LG: My favorite way to enjoy clean water is swimming at the beach or kayaking our beautiful creeks!
HP: What is your favorite waterway in Charleston?
LG: It’s so hard to choose… but my favorite waterway is probably James Island Creek or Hobcaw Creek! They’re some of my favorite sampling sites on our Swim Alert sample runs!
HP: Tell us about what you have been working on or a recent project
LG: I just finished my Master’s degree at CofC in May and I’m currently working on publishing my thesis research on septic system and flooding issues in South Carolina. At Charleston Waterkeeper I’ve been working with our partners at the SCORE team at SCDNR for the past few months to showcase the important work we do with them to recycle oyster shells, restore our marshes and oyster reefs, and improve our water quality! You can check out the step by step process by watching the videos on Instagram or reading about it on our blog!
HP: Tell us something interesting about yourself that we might not know
LG: A fun fact you may not know about me is that I used to work in a butterfly conservatory!
Lauren Greenwood
M.S. Environmental and Sustainability Studies
Communications Intern, Charleston Waterkeeper