

We Have our 100th Member!

On September 16, 2008 Charleston Waterkeeper was approved to become the newest member of the Waterkeeper Alliance.  Here we are 9 months later, growing stronger and stronger with every passing day! What is the reason for our continued momentum?  That’s simple.  It’s you, the community! For the past 9 months,...
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Come Sailing this Weekend

Come celebrate the beauty of Charleston’s waterways and help protect them at the same time.  On the evening of the Summer Solstice, June 21st, join us for a sunset cruise/flotilla on Charleston Harbor. Enjoy barbeque on the docks of Charleston Harbor Marina (6pm) before hopping on one of the sailboats...
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Barefoot Wine Beach Rescue

This past weekend over 75 volunteers came out to Folly Beach to help cleanup “The Edge of America.”  As part of Barefoot Wine’s Beach Rescue Project, Charleston Waterkeeper teamed up with Charleston Surfrider to host this event.  Despite a late start, the event was a huge success.  With an army...
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