

Anti-Plastics Campaign

Two years ago, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors approved groundbreaking legislation to outlaw plastic checkout bags at large supermarkets and large chain pharmacies.  The time table called for a ban on all plastic bags within a years time. For half a century, plastic bags have consumed the world of consumerism. ...
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Kudos to Isle of Palms Marina

The weekend before last, Charleston’s shrimping fleet partook in an annual tradition, The Blessing of the Fleet. Our shrimping industry is an important component of Charleston’s maritime history.  Without clean water, this industry, like every other commercial fishing industry, would slowly crumble. While on patrol, we stopped at the Isle...
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H2OLY CITY Photography Competition

The City of Charleston’s Civic Design Center is organizing the H2OLY City Photography Competition to raise awareness of the role of water in our lifestyle and how it influences Charleston’s civic environment.  With all of you water lovers out there, one of you is bound to have that winning picture! ...
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