

FLOW Documentary Showing Tonight

Natural Awakenings Magazine and Charleston Waterkeeper are teaming up to show the documentary FLOW tonight at Muddy Waters Coffee Bar in West Ashley. The film, FLOW (For the Love of Water), details the global water crisis on a political, social and environmental level. We will be starting the documentary at...
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Taking on the Abandoned Boats!

Charleston Waterkeeper, in collaboration with Olive Productions, is preparing to launch a campaign targeting the abandoned and derelict boats disbursed throughout Charleston’s waterways. The State of South Carolina has recently passed legislation banning the abandonment of watercrafts.  These vessels not only pose a threat to the safety of recreational boaters,...
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Send Charleston Waterkeeper to DC

On Saturday, March 7th, hundreds of ocean leaders from around the world will converge on Washington, DC for the Blue Vision Summit.  The purpose of the convention is “to encourage our current administration to take positive action on our public seas, to address climate change impacts on the ocean, and...
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Kinder Morgan Delays Expansion

At Kinder Morgan’s most recent Community Advisory Panel Meeting, the focus was on the economic impact of the terminal to the Charleston area.  According to a presentation made by Craig Mullins, Kinder Morgan has 167 terminals and owns nearly 37,000 miles of pipeline throughout North America.  The Charleston plant is...
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